Fan releases

The Tangerine Tree is a worldwide fan project which was launched in December 2001 by some members of the Tangerine Dream Mailing List. The purpose of this project is to release unofficial Tangerine Dream recordings in the best possible sound quality by using only master tapes or low generation sources of each concert recording. The source material (audience, soundboard or broadcast recordings) comes from the most authoritive TD collectors worldwide. The sound quality of each recording gets enhanced by people which are considered to be real experts in remastering CDRs. This project operates on a strictly non-profit basis (this is why "never sell or buy - trade freely" is stated on the back cover of each artwork). Everyone can trade for discs by either sending blank CDRs to the sender in advance, or by covering the costs in other ways. These basic rules distinguish this fan project from 'regular' bootlegs which are released most often by people who want to make easy money from other people's work and who do not care about quality.

Tangerine Tree I

Tangerine Tree II

Tangerine Tree III

Tangerine Tree IV

Tangerine Tree V

Tangerine Leaves I

Tangerine Leaves II

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